1. MAGNESIUM +Lysine Take 2 capsules at night.
2. VITAMIN D +MK4 Take 1 capsule in the morning.
3. ORMUX Take 1 measure in the middle of the afternoon in a glass of water. The measurement comes inside the jar.
4. SELENIUM +Active T3 Take 2 x capsules with lunch.
5. Request TSH, anti-TPO antibodies, cortisol am and, if you are a woman or have lost your sexual appetite, prolactin, together with your routine blood tests.
If the TSH is out of range, ask your doctor to correct your treatment (optimal ranges are between 0.3 mg/dl. and 3 mg/dl.).
If prolactin is slightly high even though TSH is in range, increase the dose of your medication for hypothyroidism by 25%. Desist if there is rapid heartbeat, insomnia, neck tightness, cramps or irritability.
If prolactin appears above 70 mg/dl., perform MRI of sella turcica with contrast to rule out prolactinoma.
6. If you take metformin and have fatigue, ensure that your TSH is below 2 mg/dl.
This is because metformin modifies the true TSH result by approximately 2 points downwards, giving the false impression of a normal result.
Thus, a TSH of 3 could actually be a 5 and escape the correct treatment.
If this is your case, increase your daily dose by 25%.
Go back if tachycardia or insomnia or cramps or irritability appear.
7. If prolactin is slightly elevated (less than 45 mg/dl.), increase the daily dose of levothyroxine sodium by 25% despite having a TSH in range.
If it is equal to or greater than 70 mg/dl. perform contrast-enhanced MRI of the sellar region to rule out adenoma.
8. If your results fall within the normal range, but you still have symptoms of hypothyroidism, increase the daily dose of levothyroxine sodium by 25%.
This is because 10% is only corrected with a TSH footprint (less than 0.3 mg/dl.).
Desist if tachycardia, insomnia, cramps or irritability appear.
If you increase the dose and your symptoms disappear, perform a partial calcium urine test one month later to ensure normality (for more information read the book Your Endocrine in 1 Minute).
9. For hair loss, take Innerx 2 capsules at noon.
10. To speed up your metabolism and lose weight, take Veltryx 1-2 capsules before 1 pm, at least 5 days after starting the Magnesium.
11. Read the section “Before starting to take the supplements”.
12. Read each supplement in the STORE section.
13. Enjoy!! START THE CURE NOW!!!
1. Eliminate dairy, wheat, soy, oats, corn, peanuts and all cereals in general. Eat liver, egg, cod liver oil, greens, almonds, unsweetened dark chocolate, fruit with physical activity, root vegetables with resistance exercises.
2. Evacuate, evacuate, evacuate!!! (see Parasites… Still tired? See Chronic Fatigue)

Do you still feel bad despite taking medication?
Do you still feel tired even though your TSH is within the normal range?
Does your hair continue to fall out?
Do your nails break easily?
Is your skin still dry?
Do you retain liquid?
Are you still suffering from depression and loss of sexual appetite?
Did you give up your treatment because it made you feel worse or you didn’t feel the difference?
Did you stop taking the medication because you don’t want to become dependent on medicine?
Have you changed doctors, dosages and/or types of medication without managing to lose weight? (See VELTRYX)
Do you want your thyroid to be 100% perfect?
“If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you have come to the right place. Here you’ll discover your PRIMAL formula that will give you a new lease of life. Welcome!
VELTRYX contains the ideal polyphenols for burning fat and stimulating the brain, thyroid and microbiota axis to function correctly.
Once you start taking it, you’ll feel you have the energy and will to seriously work out.
And two hours later, you’ll have absolute control over flour and sweets.
But, more importantly, you’ll have stimulated metabolic reactions for burning abdominal fat.
By taking 2 VELTRYX capsules mid-morning, either before or after eating any food, your life will change.
VELTRYX contains the ideal polyphenols for burning fat and stimulating the brain, thyroid and microbiota axis to function correctly.
Once you start taking it, you’ll feel you have the energy and will to seriously work out.
And two hours later, you’ll have absolute control over flour and sweets.
But, more importantly, you’ll have stimulated metabolic reactions for burning abdominal fat.
By taking 2 VELTRYX capsules mid-morning, either before or after eating any food, your life will change.

Listen up! I’ve a question for you…
Let’s see… How many legs does a table have?
That’s right! It has four:
And so does your treatment:
Your PRIMAL diet, MAGNESIUM, SELENIUM and the correct dosage of your MEDICATION (to correct your thyroid/cortisol).
What do you think?
Your medication is not the full treatment; it’s only one part of the treatment,
Your thyroid treatment has four legs and medication is one of those legs.
Now for another question…
Which is the most important leg of the table?
That’s right! All of them are equally important.
Why is that?
It’s because you don’t want your nails to break or your hair to fall out. You don’t want to feel tired and miserable or have your metabolism slow down.
So let’s go back again…
1. Eliminate certain foods from your diet (dairy products, wheat, soy, oats, leguminous plants and peanuts) as they contain anti-nutrients that impede thyroid medication from being absorbed, create resistance to hormones and cause hypothyroidism (of the Hashimoto or auto-immune variety). (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)
Gluten allows macromolecules to pass into the bloodstream and triggers inflammation and/or pain in the joints. Eliminate it!
Gluten reduces the absorption of Levothyroxine Sodium. (1).
2. To correct magnesium deficiency, see MAGNESIUM + LYSINE.
3. To correct selenium/sulfur deficiency, see below. Never take iodine supplements in this first phase. (1).
I will deal later with the Protocol for iodine administration in the different scenarios when necessary.
4. Remember to consult your doctor about the correct dosage of your medication (AND CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT THE CORRECT DOSAGE OF YOUR
MEDICATION (T4 Vs. T4 + T3 vs. Armour/Nature Throid; see later).

Yes, yes… I know. You don’t want to become dependent on medicine.
But your hypothyroidism medication is not “medicine”. No way!
Quite the opposite: it’s the hormone that you need in order to function 100%.
If your hypothyroidism is post-surgical or the result of radioactive iodine, your medication is for life, as you know only too well.
In the case of Hashimoto or auto-immune hypothyroidism, medical treatment is also for life in 99% of cases.
Only in cases where Hashimoto is identified at an asymptomatic stage (at the onset) can medication be avoided (a highly unlikely scenario because of the nature of the condition).
And no… it’s not true.
If you take the medication, you won’t harm your thyroid. No way.
Your thyroid has already been harmed so if you take the medication you’ll remove the symptoms. If you give up taking it, the symptoms will come back just the same. Not worse, just the same.
Yes… it’s quite true.
By eliminating the anti-nutrients from your diet and correcting any posible magnesium/selenium deficiency, there will be an improvement. But if you don’t take the medication you will continue to feel tired, still have abdominal fat or be infertile.
And the contrary is also true:
If you take the right dosage of the right medication and you manage to rectify your TSH but fail to eliminate the anti-nutrients from your diet and/or correct probable magnesium/selenium deficiencies, you will still be suffering pain, hair loss or inflammation, not only in the abdomen but also in your thyroid gland as well as in other parts of your body. (When you go for a check-up, do they always increase the dosage?)
With the Hashimoto, the idea is to stop the inflammation that destroys your thyroid gland and damages other parts of your body.
Otherwise, as time goes goes by, you will constantly need to increase the dosage of your medication.
And the fact is that we all have peroxidase enzymes which, in Hashimoto, will be attacked if the inflammation continues.
Incidentally, peroxidases are also present in the mammary gland (Could Hashimoto be in some way related to breast cancer? So eliminate anti-nutrients!!!).
So-called Hashimoto hypothyroidism is not just limited to the thyroid but can affect the whole body.
When left uncontrolled, it should be called Hashimoto Hypo-bodyism.
Now you see why Hashimoto intersects with all autoinmune diseases…
Auo-Bread… Auto-Milk… Auto-Cheese… Auto-Infections… Auto-Dysbiosis…
So here are two recommendations:
First, avoid doing anything that causes inflammation.
Secondly, do whatever will reduce inflammation.
It’s that simple!
Number One: Stop taking anti-nutrients and eliminate probable magnesium/selenium deficiency and/or probable chronic infection (parasites, viral reactivation, fungi and bacteria; see ORMUX).
Number Two: Repeat Number One. (LOVE IT! AIN’T THAT GREAT?)
There are other causes of Hypothyroidism:
In cases of hypothyroidism as a consequence of medical prescription, there may be a possible cure when prednisone/hydrocortisone. Atenolol and amiodarone are suspended. However, a scenario in which medication for chronic conditions is suspended is quite rare.
In cases of hypothyroidism following temporary illnesses (1)(2), once these are overcome, it may be posible to find a cure.
Cases of hypothyroidism through (acute) viral thyroiditis can be cured once the infection disappears.
Cases of hypothyroidism through iodine deficiency can be cured once the deficiency has been corrected.
Anti-TPO antibodies and anti-thyroglobulins are very useful for diagnosing Hashimoto hypothyroidism (and are also present in autoimmune hypothyroidism or other serious illnesses).
Anti-TPO antibodies and anti-thyroglobulins are anti-bread, anti-milk, anti-oats antibodies (toxic antinutrients) and anti-chronic infections.
High levels of anti-TPO antibodies and anti-thyroglobulins imply high levels of inflammation.
In order to eliminate antibodies, toxic nutrients in the diet and chronic infections need to be eliminated.
High levels of antibodies should not be reduced.
High levels of antibodies should not be increased.
Many people are given corticoids as medical treatment to reduce antibodies only to end up putting on weight, increasing thyroid hormone and insulin resistance (it increases the requirement or dosage of the medicinal product), preventing the medication from being activated (it avoids T4 being converted into T3) and raising the level of antibodies again once the medication has been completed.
Taking corticords to reduce antibodies without eliminating bread and cheese from your diet is like applying an anti-inflammatory cream to your eye while at the same time hitting yourself in the eye.
The antibodies in your diet will also increase with the presence of infection by parasites, viruses and bacteria (see ORMUX, the natural supplement against chronic infections and inflammation).
The vast majority of my patients diagnosed with Hashimoto hypothyroidism have chronic poly-infections through parasites, viruses and bacteria that prevent them from achieving 100% fitness. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)
Many people suffer from SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) and recurrent candidiasis causing continued inflammation and heartburn.
With or without these infections, ORMUX is the great helper.
Or, according to my patients, it is ̈THE GREAT FIFTH LEG OF THE TABLE ̈.

There are four alternative ways of treating hypothyroidism.
Each one has its advantages and/or disadvantages depending on the condition of each patient.
1. Levothyroxine sodium (inactive hormone): Synthroid, Euthyrox, Eutirox, Karet, Puran…
2. Levothyroxine sodium + liothyronine (inactive hormone + active hormone): Novotiral
3. Liothyronine (Cynomel)
4. Natural hormone (Armour, Naturethroid)
Many patients improve their symptoms by changing over to compound mdication.
Others only improve by using the natural alternative. (1).
And others only respond to active hormone treatment. (1).
Later on in this text I’ll explain my Protocol for taking the decision to change and the steps to follow in order to avoid complications.
Levothyroxine sodium (T4) is the most frequently prescribed hormone for treating hypothyroidism.
When Levothyroxine sodium (T4) is activated in the organs (it changes to T3), the patient’s loss of hair, dry skin, depression, chronic fatigue, overweight and retention of liquid, etc. are usually corrected.
However, this does not occur in all patients who suffer from hypothyroidism.
One group that has been taking Levothyroxine sodium may find that despite the fact that their TSH results are corrected, they continue to suffer from hair loss, depression, fail to lose weight and to recover their normal facial factions, or, worse still, they take levothyroxine and their metabolism slows down even more. (1).
Why is this?
You take a tablet to accelarate your metabolism but instead it slows down?
That’s right.
These are people who don’t activate levothyroxine.
Not only are they unable to convert T4 to T3 but, on the contrary, they convert it to reverse T3 which blocks the action of the thyroid hormone.
They correct the alteration in the blood test but their metabolism gets worse.
It slows down. They lose more hair. They get even more miserable. They retain more liquid. Their fatigue increases.
By correcting their TSH but feeling worse, they end up becoming distracted from finding the real solution to the problem.
What can be done about this?
How can T4 be reactivated?