Take it 1 to 3 times daily as a substitute or complement of your meals.
It wasn’t the desire to burn fat or increase your libido or muscle mass that brought Zientro into the world. Yet this is exactly what this Boron, Leucine and Colostrum protein powder formula could help you to do.
“Doctor … can I have a protein shake?”
That was the burning question for many of my patients.
“Yes, but not with soy, egg, or whey… it has to be protein from a grass-fed, organic, hydrolyzed cow protein to avoid causing inflammation.”
The need to send my patients’ intestines on a “solid food vacation” has always been near the top of my agenda. And while broths made from bones and beef consommé are part of my protocol, protein shakes are always my patients’ preferred choice.
On one occasion a patient asked me another question:
“And can I keep taking my supplements? When I take them I don’t feel fatigue or pain… and even my sexual appetite has come back again.”
“So you don’t feel fatigue or pain with the supplements?”
This patient had been diagnosed with arthritis and chronic fatigue, and I was sure she was referring to magnesium. After all, the vast majority of those who consult me have already read some of my books.
“Which supplement? Do you mean Magnesium?”
“No, no… what I take is Boron and Colostrum.”

Take it 1 to 3 times daily as a substitute or complement of your meals.
It wasn’t the desire to burn fat or increase your libido or muscle mass that brought Zientro into the world. Yet this is exactly what this Boron, Leucine, and Colostrum protein powder formula could help you to do.
“Doctor … can I have a protein shake?”
That was the burning question for many of my patients.
“Yes, but not with soy, egg, or whey… it has to be protein from a grass-fed, organic, hydrolyzed cow protein to avoid causing inflammation.”
The need to send my patients’ intestines on a “solid food vacation” has always been near the top of my agenda. And while broths made from bones and beef consommé are part of my protocol, protein shakes are always my patients’ preferred choice.
On one occasion a patient asked me another question:
“And can I keep taking my supplements? When I take them I don’t feel fatigue or pain… and even my sexual appetite has come back again.”
“So you don’t feel fatigue or pain with the supplements?
This patient had been diagnosed with arthritis and chronic fatigue, and I was sure she was referring to magnesium. After all, the vast majority of those who consult me have already read some of my books.
“Which supplement? Do you mean Magnesium?”
“No, no… what I take is Boron and Colostrum.”
Boron activates the sex hormones. (1) (2)
And it has the potential to maximize your performance as an athlete. (1)
Colostrum increases your physical performance. (1) (2)
Leucine increases the potency of protein drinks, muscle building and weight control, even in those with insulin resistance (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) and prevents muscle loss due to age and inactivity. (1) (2)