1. Seal your leaky gut.

2. Get rid of chronic infections.

3. Eliminate heavy metals.

4. Correct nutritional deficiencies.

5. Correct hormonal deficiencies.

NOTE: The following protocol is the same for RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, LUPUS and SCLERODERMA. Don’t start all the supplements indicated in this protocol on the same day. Start one every two days and stop if any discomfort appears (read BEFORE TAKING THE SUPPLEMENTS in the STORE section).


Identify the intensity of your pain, inflammation, fatigue and limitation of movement (from 0 to 10, with 10 being the worst scenario and 0 the best).

Compare your numbers 2 weeks after starting the Protocol.

This is how you can evaluate your success. The correction of the RA test, citrullined peptide, ESR and C-reactive protein will follow as a consequence.

1. Eliminate

Animal protein, eggs, all oils (coconut and olive included), dairy products, grains, cereals, oats, beans, rice, seeds, tomato, potato, chili, paprika and eggplant for 2 weeks.

You can eat sweet potato, cassava, plantain, all tubers (except potatoes), fruits, vegetables and avocado.

Resume taking animal protein, eggs or oils from Day 15. Eliminate these foods again for 2 weeks if pain or inflammation reappears with their introduction.

2. Magnesium +Lysine

Take 2 capsules at night.

3. Vitamin D3 +K2

Take 1 capsule at midday.

4. Oregano oil

Take between 1 and 3 drops in a glass of water or juice in the morning for 2 weeks every 2 weeks.

5. Boron +Siclica

Take 1 capsule in the morning and another at midday, preferably with juice or at mealtime.


Take 1 measure (included with the bottle or sachet) in a glass of water or juice at mid-morning and another at mid-afternoon.

Don’t take Ormux on the days you take metrotexate.

Don’t take Ormux for at least 15 days after taking your biological medicine (Humira, Enbrel, Rituximab, etc.).

Don’t take Ormux if you’re taking cholesterol pills (statins).

Continue with prednisone, deflazacort or corticosteroid.

Continue with hydroxychloroquine, leflunomide, azathioprine and/or metrotexate. Suspend it if it hasn’t produced positive results.

When the pain or swelling goes down, suspend Ibuprofen, Advil, Arcoxia or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (this is the only way to cure your leaky gut).


Take 1/2 measure (included with the bottle) in a glass of water or juice mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Increase to 1 full measure from Day 3.

Suspend it if any discomfort appears, such as headache, metal taste, acidity or rash (healing crisis due to heavy metals). In this case, take a blood test for heavy metals or a HEAVY METAL PROFILE.

Start MSM 2 days after starting Ormux.

Don’t take MSM on days you drink liquor (alcohol).

8. Take the following blood tests when you can

Anti-TPO antibodies

If you haven’t been evaluated for a while, include the exams that your rheumatologist usually indicates.

If you received the “go-ahead”, include the D Dimer blood test as well.

9. Read the section BEFORE STARTING TO TAKE THE SUPPLEMENTS in the STORE section.

10. Read each supplement in the STORE section.

11. If you have root canals or dental extractions…

Get a Dental Cone Beam Tomography and order the images on a CD so they can be evaluated by an experienced radiologist – but not by your dentist or attending physician.

If injured, find an experienced Biological Dentist at

12. Use Dental Floss daily

13. Start Oil Pulling

Take a teaspoon of edible coconut oil with 3 drops of oregano oil in the morning. Swish it around your mouth but don’t swallow. Spit and rinse after 10 minutes.

14. If you suffer from severe constipation…

Evaluate your thyroid, follow a liquid diet for 5 days (only water, fruit and / or vegetable juices) and consider 2 deworming cycles under the supervision of your attending physician, even if your stool tests are normal.

Your cure is proportional to your evacuation.

You must have a bowel movement daily.

15. Carrot Juice – 5×5

Drink a liter and a quarter of carrot juice daily for 2 weeks.

Start on the Day 3 after eliminating prohibited foods.

You can take Ormux, MSM and oregano oil in the same glass of juice.

You don’t need to drink carrot juice to get cured. If you do, that’s fine.

But if you don’t like carrots or their juice, don’t bother taking it.

Don’t drink carrot juice if you have uncontrolled diabetes.

Don’t drink carrot juice if you take 10 or more milligrams (mg) of prednisone.

Suspend carrot juice if it causes discomfort (healing crisis).

If you have a healing crisis, read PARASITES in the Protocols section.

16. Green Cabbage Juice

If you suffer or have suffered from heartburn or helicobacter pylori, take the oregano oil drops diluted in 8 ounces of green cabbage juice for 21 days on an empty stomach in the morning.


18. Read each supplement in the STORE section.

19. Enjoy!! START THE CURE NOW!!!